video, German, 16:9, color,
4:33 min., 2018
Willi Bredel, video still, 2018
Willi Bredel
As part of her research on the tradition of worker writers, Ina Wudtke produced the video “Willi Bredel“. Hamburg based rapper Captain Gips plays the German metal worker and turner Willi Bredel (1901 Hamburg – 1964 Berlin East), one of the best known communist worker writers of his time, whose books were translated into 17 languages. His autobiographical book Die Prüfung (The Ordeal) from 1934 was the first written document about a concentration camp. The Video is shown in exhibitions together with a selection of original editions of Willi Bredels books from the 20s, 30s until to the 70s.
Willi Bredel, installtion view 2018, exhibition space of the metal trade union IGM, Berlin
Willi Bredel, installtion view 2018, exhibition space of the metal trade union IGM, Berlin