German, hard cover
124 pages
Löcker Verlag
ISBN 978-3-85409-612-2
10 Euro, in stock

The fact that the white cube predominantly produces, hosts and celebrates white sound is an aspect of its ideology that even the staunchest critics of the white cube’s ideology have never bothered to mention. As a matter of fact, the white ‘audiology’, if you like, of the white cube has always generously been overlooked, or should one say ‘overheard’, no matter how many occasions the white cube’s regular and irregular activities offer to a critical ear that is prepared to listen. Critical listening is not what the white cube invites its visitors to do. The white cube decontextualizes sound, until it sounds white. And thus it happens that the black sounds in John Cage’s work still remain inaudible today, as much as black people were invisible in the fifties of the last century, when Ralph Waldo Ellison published his Invisible Man.