video, English, 16:9, color,
6:22 mins., 2018

Lied des Schiffsjungen (Song of the Deck Boy), video still, 2018

Lied des Schiffsjungen

„Lied des Schiffsjungen“ (Song of the Deck Boy) was the only text by the worker writer Margarete Steffins (1908-1941) that was published during her life time. Ina Wudtke’s video „Lied des Schiffsjungen“ (2018) shows pianist Andrej Hermlin and his son, singer David Hermlin performing their own version of the previously unpublished composition by Hanns Eisler for Margarete Steffin’s lyrics.

Lied des Schiffsjungen, installation view 2018, Galerie im Saalbau, Berlin